Christmas Party

THROW the ultimate Christmas Party! 🪓

Get your Christmas jumpers at the ready, and let’s settle those office rivalries. It’s the best alternative to party hats and bad cracker jokes!

Following a safety brief from your dedicated Axe coach, you’ll learn how to hold an axe, where to stand, and how to make it Thunk into the target. You’ll get to use throwing angels, mini double bits, hatchets or viking axes, going head-to head in scoring rounds, and finishing with team games.

Get the boss to fork out for Naughty elves to slay too! We can even add nametags or bring your own target faces!!


£70 = 4 people

£100 = 6 people

£15 per person for groups of 8 or more

Sessions are 1.5 hours, or 2 hours for groups of 8 or more

Email us to book your date 🎅 

Or select “Indoor Axe Throwing” & give us your group details/requests on our booking page 


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